Title: Fandom Motivationals. Author: lilithrain. Spoiler(s): Up to Season 2. Rating: NC-17. Summary: Fanart, motivationals on the Merlin verse. Notes (optional): Also includes SPN Motivationals in the batch.
To me the moments when Merlin helps Arthur with his armour have grown to be the most intimate moments between them. At first it's just one of Merlin's tasks, which he learns through trial and error (and with a little help from Gwen) but over the two seasons they've become moments for both of them to get things off their chest, to give and receive
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Community tags cannot be seen by non-moderators until they are used in an entry, and to be honest, that is mainly the function of the post. :D I wanted to ensure that you would all be able to view and browse through the current tags list, and thus I had to add every tag I created to this entry
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